Battle Brothers Best Background

2020. 1. 22. 22:30카테고리 없음

Battle Brothers Best Background

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  1. Battle Brothers Backgrounds Tiers

Let's be honest, one of the most thrilling aspects of war films are the scenes of battle. Yes, war is hell. Yes, many soldiers die horrible deaths. But yet, there's some part of us as war film buffs that enjoys the visceral experience of seeing a massive battle on-screen. The bloodier the better. I suppose there's a dark part of the human psyche that appreciates carnage (though somehow it's always more exciting when safely viewed from a television set!) So without further ado, here is a list of some of the best battle scenes of all time.

The opening of Saving Private Ryan was shocking for audiences. It opened with one of the most visceral, realistic, re-enactments of the D-Day Normandy beach landing ever put to film: The boats churn toward the shore, the soldiers inside vomiting from anxiety, their hands shaking. And then, as soon as the ramp starts to lower, machine gun fire mows the soldiers down, many of whom jump over the sides of the boat where bullets rip through the water, which is quickly stained crimson with blood. Many soldiers drown, held down by the weight of their own gear. And for those who survive and get to the beach, the real battle has just started.

Interestingly, another one of the greatest battle scenes of all time also occurs at Normandy. Instead of a though, this time it's a war movie about aliens. Edge of Tomorrow pits Tom Cruise against an alien horde and the first battle of the film (actually, the only battle of the film) is epically massive in scope.

The camera pulls back to the sky to reveal miles of thousands of soldiers engaged in fierce fighting, each pixel of the screen moving simultaneously. It's too much for the eyeballs to take in and absorb. It's the sort of scene that requires repeated viewing, if only so that your eyes can attempt to focus on a different part of the battle.

After a dozen viewings or so, you'll probably be able to claim that you absorbed at least a quarter of the battle. If the Americans had Omaha Beach on the western front, in the east, the Russians had the, a do or die moment for the Russian country - if they lost Stalingrad, they'd likely lose everything. What makes the battle of Stalingrad so terrible, and the opening of this film so memorable is that the soldiers who fought in this war were so poorly equipped that they didn't even have rifles.

The Russian military leadership simply threw bodies into the fight, attempting to achieve victory through a war of attrition, knowing that Mother Russia had an endless supply of poor peasant boys that could be sacrificed for the war effort. The Russian soldiers were considered so disposable that only every other soldier received a rifle, the guy behind him received five bullets and was to pick-up the rifle when the first soldier died. With the entire town leveled, and artillery falling all around them, the Russian soldiers run into machine gun fire to certain death. Roars a speech about freedom, his face painted in blue war paint. The 'fight for freedom' speech is usually fairly trite and cringe-inducing, but in this film, it's thrilling. And then the battle starts.

And this is battle at it's most violent, most brutal, and most horrible - old-fashioned battle, hand-to-hand with swords and axes. Whereas most Hollywood films traditionally would show an enemy soldier slashed with a sword and then simply fall to the ground without showing the blood, in Braveheart the limbs go flying, and the blood runs in rivers. Has never been portrayed so violently on film before.


(Realistic violence in war films is one of my '.' The Battle of Hoth, which opens the second film in the Star Wars saga is one of the most iconic scenes in cinematic history. A meager line of Rebel soldiers dressed against the cold look to the horizon through binoculars to see massive Empire war machines walking towards them. Add in spaceship fights, a ground war, and hundreds of rushing Arctic gear covered stormtroopers, and you have one of the most thrilling moments in cinema history. For an early 1980s audience, it was spectacle beyond belief. Not much needs to be said about this real-life, except that it involved 400 Calvary soldiers facing off against 4,000 North Vietnamese soldiers.and the U.S. Soldiers were ultimately victorious.

The battle, which takes up most of We Were Soldiers, is violent and intense, as one might imagine. Of particular notice is one scene where Mel Gibson's character has to call air strikes at 'Danger Close,' which is to say, practically on top of his own soldiers who are at risk of being overrun. When an errant air strike takes out a squad of his own soldiers, Gibson quickly brushes it off and continues on with the battle. I'm not sure whether that's sociopathy or courage, but it's certainly a sight to behold.

Michael Mann's Last of the Mohicans is a gritty, violent, intense re-imagining of the little portrayed French and Indian War. Especially thrilling is the attack on the English column which starts with the British marching in single file through the woods as they do (this is the same Army that engages in battle by forming straight lines and firing). Then, from the wood line, there is the shriek of Indian war cries and then the massacre begins as the Indians, who feel no need to form orderly rows in order to fight as the British do, decimate the ranks of the orderly queues of British infantry. The scene is so vivid that it's one of the few battle scenes where you feel as if you were there.

Battle Brothers Backgrounds Tiers

The chaos seems real. And most importantly, the choreography of the battle makes sense. Almost two decades later, this remains one of my favorite battle scenes of all time. The iconic flag-raising photograph over is one of the most famous images of the 20th century.

And we've all heard of the battle, but few films have captured its ferociousness as well as the HBO mini-series The Pacific. At the time of the battle, the island has been reduced to mud and rubble, as U.S. Marines charge head first into the yawning mouth of Hell as machine gun fire and mortars explode all around them. It's also a battle that lasted for an entire month! - and cost the lives of some 26,000 Marines.

As a former infantry soldier from Afghanistan, I can't imagine experiencing this level of war or combat, and it's the sort of vivid re-enactment that gives me a whole new respect for the veterans of the Second World War. Lieutenant Kilgore (Robert DuVall) explains to Captain Willard (Martin Sheet) that he loves the smell of Napalm in the morning. As he says this, he begins surfing. It should be said that behind him, an entire village is being decimated by missiles being shot from Army helicopters. This is obviously one soldier who's been out in the weeds a bit too long. (Although this surfing during wartime seems an absurd detail created by Hollywood, it's actually based off a real-life event.) And so there's the village being destroyed, as helicopters swoop in firing death from above, as the soldiers surf, and all while 'Ride of the Valkyries' plays on the soundtrack.

It's one of the most surreal scenes of combat ever recorded on celluloid film.

Battle Brothers Best Background